Who we are
Largest platform for centralizing information and images on retail products in Latin America, ensuring independence of use, management, agility, and analytics of the implemented AR/3D solutions in a quick and uncomplicated way. In November 2021, we launched the Business Unit CONVERGE with the value proposition of being a “one-stop-shopping” solution for your company to enter the metaverse in an easy, agile, and practical way.
What we do
We transform the Customer's journey through 3D technology with our 3D viewer, augmented reality, and 3D customizer services. At CONVERGE we develop the concept for the company in the metaverse and implement the value rings that are necessary for your project: from land lease, through strategy development, 3D modeling of spaces, gamification, NFT's, payment portals, controlling and measurement of results.
Today we already have more than 40 clients among Brazilian and multinational companies.
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Try it!
Our Team
Daniel Alves
Giovanni Abeni
+55 11 99393 0922
Valéria Carrete
+55 11 98867 5687
Giovanni Abeni
Head of Operations
R2U.IO /r2u-io/ @R2U.IO
+55 11 99393 0922
CONVERGE.LAND /converge-land
Revenue & metaverse officer
Head of Operations
Caio Jahara
+55 11 95141 7767
Co-founder & CEO